American Cancer Society Road to Recovery

Angel Flight East
Angel Flight East (AFE) pilots provide free air travel to individuals requiring crucial medical care at distant facilities but lacking the financial ability to fly. Additional services include, the delivery of supplies to disaster areas and other compelling needs, and "compassion" flights for family members.  

Joe Andruzzi Foundation—Treatment Transportation Program
Provides free transportation for patients to get to their medical treatments and support services in hospitals across Massachusetts through a partnership with Lyft.

Ring and Ride
Affordable shared ride services in the Merrimack Valley

MVRTA - Boston Peabody Medi-Ride Services
Low cost transportation from the Merrimack Valley to Boston Hospitals and the Lahey Clinic in Peabody

MassHealth Transportation

MassHealth PT1
Request for non-emergency transportation

SeniorCare, Inc. 
Serving Beverly, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester By-The-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield and Wenham. 

Travel Counseling Center 1-888-499-5324 (M-F 9am-5pm) maintains a database of transportation services on the North Shore.  

TASC (Transportation Assistance for Seacoast Citizens) 
TASC provides transportation, at no charge, through volunteer drivers for persons over 55 who qualify and need transportation to appointments. TASC serves the towns of Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, North Hampton, Rye, Seabrook and Stratham, New Hampshire.